Delamont Miniature Railway

Postal Address

90 Downpatrick Road, Killyleagh
BT30 9TZ
United Kingdom

The Delamont Miniature Railway first opened in 1999.  It is Ireland's longest miniature railway.  Experience the Park's beauty on this unique miniature train.  

Enjoy a journey on our popular miniature railway. A fantastic treat for all the family!

Times for Miniature railway are subject to weather conditions. Please check Delamont Miniature Railway Facebook page for up to date information.

Location code
Geographical location
Locomotive Gauge Wheel arrangement Manufacturer(s) Date Range Comments SpRw
342 JACK 10¼" 2-4-0 |
Jill 10¼" 0-4-2 |
Jim 10¼" 0-4-2 |