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Built to designs of Roland Martens. New to a national exhibition at Dusseldorf, named DORIA.  Later renamed RADSCHLAGER. 1939 in storage at Cologne during WW2. 1950 restored to steam. 1950-1 at Cologne named BAVARIA EXPRESS.  History unclear until ran at Cologne 1957-8 named FLEISSIG LIESCHEN (Busy Lizzie)   Then somehow to a dealer at Frankfurt by 1976. 1976 sold to R.H.D.R. where first steamed 03/09/1976. 05/05/1977 renamed BLACK PRINCE. 1999 complete rebuild.

Built to designs of Roland Martens.  New to Rheinische Bahngesellschaft A.G  for an exhibition at Dusseldorf  which ran until 17/10/1937, at first named DONNER  later JAN  WELLEM. Sold  1939 and put in storage at Cologne until after WW2. 1950 restored to working order, 1950-51 at Cologne named ARNOLDSCHE 2, later at Munich named STRUWWELPETER,  1957-58 at Cologne again named MANNERTREU. 1972 sold to Bressingham Steam Museum, England, and used on their Waveney Valley Railway. 1997 dismantled for major rebuild, re-entered service by  08/2006.

Built to designs of Roland Martens. New to Rheinische Bahngesellschaft A.G. for an exhibition at Dusseldorf. t first names BLITZ, later DUSSEL. 1939 sold then put in storage in Cologne until after WW2. Restored 1950-1951. Operated at Bundesgartenshan Cologne named ARNOLDCHE 1. June-Oct. 1953 an exhibition at Munich, at first named RUMPELSTILZCHEN. 1957-58 at Cologne again named ROSENKAVALIER. 1964 in storage again. 1972 sold to Bressingham Steam Museum, England, used on their Waveney Valley line. 2011 withdrawn from service in need of a new boiler.