
Displaying 1 - 50 of 112
Manufacturer Sort name/surname Manufacturer Code Manufacturer Type Number of Locomotives on this site Actions
Station Road Steam Station Road Steam SRS Commercial 69 |
Bassett-Lowke Bassett-Lowke BL Commercial 55 |
Exmoor Steam Railway Exmoor ESR Commercial 53 |
Maxitrak Maxitrak Maxitrak Commercial 42 |
K.E. Wilson Wilson Wilson KE Commercial 41 |
David Curwen Curwen D Curwen D Commercial 38 |
J.G.S. Clarke Clarke Clarke JGS Commercial 35 |
Roger Marsh Marsh Marsh R Commercial 17 |
A.E. Newbery Newbery, AE Newbery A Commercial 15 |
Moors Valley Railway Moors Valley Railway MVR Commercial 13 |
Louis Shaw Shaw L Shaw L Private individual 13 |
Milner Engineering Milner Engineering Milner Eng Commercial 12 |
TMA Engineering TMA Engineering TMA Commercial 11 |
Davey Paxman Paxman DP Commercial 9 |
Carland Engineering Carland Engineering Carland Commercial 8 |
G&S Light Engineering G&S Light Engineering GSLE Commercial 8 |
Great Northern Steam Great Northern Steam GNS Commercial 8 |
A Barnes & Co Ltd Barnes Barnes A Commercial 7 |
Milner Engineering Milner Eng Commercial 6 |
Denver Light Railway DenverLtRly Commercial 5 |
FMB Engineering FMB Commercial 5 |
Winson Engineering Ltd. Daventry. 4 |
2018 3 |
Alan Keef Ltd AK Commercial 3 |
Chesterfield & District MES Chesterfield Club/Society 3 |
Krauss KrMu Commercial 3 |
Krupp Krupp Commercial 3 |
Ravenglass & Eskdale Rly. 3 |
1997 2 |
2001 2 |
2012 2 |
Arthur P Heywood. 2 |
Brian Taylor, Clayton West. 2 |
Severn-Lamb Ltd. Stratford-on-Avon. Commercial 2 |
Wilhelm van der Heiden, Rotterdam. 2 |
Yorkshire Engine Co YE Commercial 2 |
David Henshaw Henshaw Private individual 2 |
1845 1 |
1860 Peter Brotherhood, Chippenham. 1 |
1868 1 |
1908 1 |
1941 1 |
1948 1 |
1951 1 |
1954 1 |
1980 1 |
1987 1 |
1990 1 |
1998 1 |
1998 by Keith Hardy, Cheltenham. 1 |